Friday, December 21, 2007

Bloggy blues

Tis the season to catch a bug.
We've all spent the last few weeks struggling with one thing or another. One sick kid or another and my blog sufferth.
My folks are headed our way to visit. My Mom is going to help Bethany do some sewing. I'm hoping we're all healthy and happy.
Out of town relatives will soon invade our city and we'll spend some time with them as well. It's going to be a busy couple of weeks for everyone... so do check in... don't give up on me. I will live to blog again'.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Cowboy UP!

Come on Cowpokes. I knowd it be winter but y'all are Canadians. Pull on your parkas (does anybody call them that?) and come visit the Nickels. They be ready for some outside fun. We shovelled off a skating rink on da dugout and have a small taboggan hill for excercise. Make yer selves known and come on out.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Restore and Rededicate

It's the last day of Channukah when I post this. It's been a very low key but nice year for remembering the rededication of the Temple and the festival of Lights. It's the first year my brother and his family came to celebrate with us. It's so nice to have other kids for our children to enjoy.
Because it was all kind of a learning experience for my brother's kids, we let them do the candle lighting,etc. It was really nice to get to see genuine reactions.
My boys love their Snyder cousins. Group hugs at the door, usually last some 10 mins or more. I'm shocked they don't hurt each other more often.
Of course gifts and such are exchanged. My MIL had us over for a nice dinner and gift giving time this week also. It was so nice to relax and not have to do all the prep work. She was very considerate and it was really a relaxing time.
The 8 days are closing as the sun sets... our family is mostly laid up with the cold but I have to admit ... I'm more into it now than I was a week ago.
Enjoy whatever you celebrate and may you be changed for having spent time with others doing so.

Catching up!

You wanted pictures of Micaiah's outfit? Well, heres one of the many he has. Like the glasses? He broke them at Tae-Kwan-Do a few weeks ago, even after we asked him to take them off! But he insisted ... now he wants us to buy him some more! But after we told him that he had to pay for them, he decided to just go as Clark Kent without the glasses.
We had Micaiah's 6th birthday a while ago, we had games and a HUGE cake. I had blue lips and tongue for about three days after that. Not one kind of lipstick would cover it up.


it works!
This is Bethany and for some reason I got it to work! I have no idea what I did, but I guess it worked!

Sorry computer problems... it won't let me post!!!