Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Yikes! Bikes!
Historically our family is not the most mechanically inclined. Due to the shortcomings of said skills, our bikes are often in need of a little TLC. Other years we've had help from a friend, Garry Engler (thanks!), or done very little to correct the problems letting them become enormous.
This year ... Garry came with tools in hand and gave us a family lesson on caring for your bikes. The boys got to squirt WD40, change a tire and learned how brakes work, etc. The bike from the swamp, well it needs a new gear but other than it's shabby appearance, it seems to be in working order.
What a blessing to have friends who are willing to TEACH us how to do it.
Thanks for your time and efforts ENGLERS!

Give a man a fish and he'll be satisfied for one day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll be satisfied for life.

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