Monday, May 28, 2007

You Asked for It - St. Thomas

The warm rain comes down so fast you can't see. It feels so nice on your skin. It also cancels your tour for snorkelling. The wind makes the seas choppy for the smaller boats, so we opt for a day of shopping and try sight seeing on our own.
The gang heads off to the shops and enjoy the tourist traps. After a trip back to the ship to drop off our purchases, we decide to go back for another run around and just enjoy the time left. We take some photos and shop some more, while the men do other things. Greg takes the boys up the Gondola and off to see St. Thomas from a higher vantage point.
The weather still goes back and forth from really wet to warm sun, and alot of wind in between. We don't mind so much. It's not the hot we expected but it's also not winter and it's nice to be able to wear shorts and enjoy the tropical plants.
I always feel a little homesick for my childhood when I'm around tropical plants, flash rain showers and such.

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