Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A Quest for Exercise pants

I need some new exercise pants for the gym.
I've looked a few places but honestly, I don't want to pay that much for the ones I like.
Went to Costco and they had some nice yoga pants ..
you can't try on at Costco.
I bought some and brought them home.
A quick try on and I needed an opinion..
kids were the only ones at home so I asked my daughter.
Her response?
"Oh, that's just disturbing. Mom! Quick take them off."
Now I'm sure she didn't mean get naked...
more like, she'd need therapy if she had to view me in them any longer.
So they're headed back to be refunded at Costco today...
and the quest continues.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Yvonne, try SportMart or any sport store. Also, Old Navy if they have them.