Tuesday, July 10, 2007

What year is this? Warning: Historical content.

I challenge Kathy, Janet, Carlissa, Bethany, Robyn, Marylynn, Winona, and all you silent readers out there to guess what year or my age at the taking of this photo.
Then post one of your school pictures and and let us do the same.



Kathy said...

I am going to guess ninth grade. You look older than 14, so I want to guess older, maybe 11th??

Great challenge! I have a very chubby picture of me in fifth grade that would have you laughing for weeks!!

Bethany said...

Ninth grade?!

I thought mom looked like she was 19 or 20!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

I have no clue. I do with Ninth grade too....I'll have to look up my pictures.....:-)

The Dakins said...

I missed this one when you asked but I know I would have known...I have the two that follow this one :-)