Monday, October 15, 2007

Away in BC

So for the long weekend (just catching up) we were off to BC for a whole bunch of relatives gathered to eat a turkey. The kids had a great time with the cousins (or whatever they are).
The boys had their first sauna ... they didn't stay there very long. The hotel we stayed at had a hot tub too and they tried that out.
YUP .. I turned 41! It kinda got lost in all the toher things so it was nice of Greg's mom and grandma to make me a cake (+5more for the huge group of people). When does the "wiser" thing start?
Josiah went golfing with his dad. It was his first time and part of the male bonding thing to go golfing with the relatives on Thanksgiving weekend. He is the youngest that has ever participated. Josiah couldn't have been prouder. His group came in third so he was thrilled to pick a prize and got a jack knife that has all the golf gadgets you need.


Kathy said...

Hey ! Now I know when your birthday is!!

Happy Birthday!

Mary Lynn said...

Happy belated birthday!!

congratulations :-)

sounds like a great weekend!