Thursday, October 4, 2007


Okay... it's a topic not everyone can relate to.. but ... farts are a huge topic around here. My boys are obsessed with body functions. What makes boys so fascinated by the breaking of wind? Boys of all ages (in my life anyway) can't get enough of this.

I had put my two boys to bed one night and heard them talking so I went up the stairs to yell at them .. when I over heard a conversation that would make any mother shake her head.

M is on his bed butt pointed up in the air. J is on his bed doing the same. They are aimed at each other like pirate ships at war.

M: "Toot Cannons! Fire one!"
J: "Fire in the hole!"
M: "Ready, Aim, Fire!"

With appropriate noises accompanying this display.
Really .. what's a mom to do? How do you stop a cannon?

1 comment:

Bethany said...

that is so funny mom!
whyd did'nt you tell me?