Monday, October 1, 2007

Sept Project Day

Well, I'd say the first Project Day was a success. Robyn even had a guessing game for us: Guess how many origami storks are on this hanging.
Tara brought Cinnamon buns she had learned to make. And she had an experiement for us to watch.
Carlissa did a wonderful power point presentation that makes me jealous. I really would like to learn to do power point. There were boards on Trucks, pets, therapy, disease, cultures, etc. Here's a picture of a few.

I think it went really well. There was learning, fun and time for all involved to just be together. I'm looking forward to this event each month.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Hey, I just put mine up. Your pictures are better. That was a great day. I am looking forward to seeing what everyone will do next fun.