Sunday, September 30, 2007

Wisdom Picnic

We went to the Wisdom Picnic ... pretty good turn out.
I was surprised that I didn't know more people there. It was interesting to see that so many out of towners came and so many of the people I knew lived in Edmonton, didn't. So we saw alot of new faces. Still don't know my facilitator ... that's okay... we're not one of the new-to-home schooling families so ... we're just carrying on, they'll find us.
It was very nice weather, a really good day for the event. The kids try catching "fish" and snails in the pond. We saw one HUGH beaver and something smaller... not sure what. The leaves are so beautiful right now... truly fall-like.


Kathy said...

Glad you went Von, too bad I couldn't make it. Glad it wasn't too cold.

JungleGirl said...

Love your pix!