Thursday, September 20, 2007

Pirate day???

Janet's blog says it's Pirate day... internationally! Hmmm
Okay I'll go with that.
I call this guy "Patch"
Feeling a little like hoisting the main sail myself today.
There were a few times I've had to swab the deck and get some of the mateys to walk the plank. If "X" marks the spot .. then there's some spots where you shouldn't put an "x"! It's been so cold today that I'd say I've even shivered me timbers. If the mast breaks .. we'll all end up in the water and there's only one way to board a ship.
That'd be all you can expect from a good captain on a day like today. If'n you disagree, you'll be walking the plank! Never disagree with the captain.


Kathy said...

Awesome Von!! I love how you all can write so well.
Keep those mates in line!!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Shiver me timbers, matey.