Tuesday, September 25, 2007

John Walter Museum

I'm a little behind but I forgot Ihad these photos.

My team ... the beauties of the out and about group.
We all managed to fit in the small house and look how well behaved everyone was. I am always impressed with the learning that goes on when homeschoolers get together. Way to go, guys.
My responsiblity was teaching the kids to make butter. It was fun.. whole lot of shaking goin' on!
They also made ice cream, carded wool, did pioneer chores, dipped candles and toured the various buildings. It was a really nice time, inspite of the cold. I think everyone had fun.


Kathy said...

Wow, that's a lot of stuff to do in one day. Impressive.

Mary Lynn said...

Thanks for sharing the photos... it was a terrific day!