Friday, November 30, 2007
Check out the updated list.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Super Speechless.
It's a thing that permiates much of my current life.
Micaiah dresses in a tie, dress shirt and glasses daily now ... he's Clark Kent.
He has a superman cape, and a symbol that goes on his chest. He used to wear these under his dress clothes but tucking the cape into his pants was a bit of an issue. He decided it made his bum look "fluffy" so he just wears the Clark outfit now. Dollarama we bought some +1 reading glasses and popped the lens' out so he could have the Clark glasses. His birthday, he asked for more ties! When he got TWO of the same lego set, he used the money from the second to buy a new dress shirt to MATCH his new tie.
I'm speechless! Life could be imitating alot worse so .. I'm going to let this one ride itself out and see where it goes.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
God's Image
I'm listening to my two boys have a conversation and thinking "when should I jump in here".
It goes like this.
"So there's only one God, right?"
" So who does He worship?"
"I think he worships Himself."
" HMMM, well I think we can't use His name in vain. I guess he doesn't do that either."
"Yeah, and He doesn't dishonor himself."
" I think God must have a very good self-image then."
Hmmm I d never thought about God's self image before. LOL.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Count your Blessings Every Day
One of the exercises she recommended was that you keep a running list that you go over everyday and add to. A list of blessings in y our life. Anything! All situations, even bad ones, have some blessing there. Look for it.
People who do this tend to be able to come through crisis better, enjoy life more, have better health and are just more apt to deal with all of life better.
This is not really news. But it is a good reminder. My kids are working on their blessing lists today... I better get started on mine. You can check mine in the side bar as it grows and changes.
Just blogging the best to impress
They're not always creative, funny and studious.
Someone commented to me that many blogs make them depressed because everyone's life looks so organized and successful. I hope mine is pretty real but I'm not about to air all our dirty laundry either.
So know you're getting a little editing in my blog ..
Know they're not perfect little people... because I'm not a perfect mom.
I hope you find encouragement to look for your blessings every day ....
and try to stick it out through the rest.
Thanks for reading my blog and my blab.
Friday, November 9, 2007
the appearance ..
Snow buddies
My son has had it with the "winter" this year so far. "there's nothing to do"... he needs it to snow. Remember that small skiff of snow we had last weekend? Well here's his first snowman of the year. Mr. Doodles, his name. He managed to empty the year of every pinch of snow in order to get enough snow.
A few stolen tomatoes (that are still kicking around my garden), a carrot from the fridge and some clothes make the "one ball" snowman come alive.
Days and wind and warmth have passed. Now Mr. Doodles eyes and nose are laying on the grass. He's been striped of his clothes and he's lost some weight. Waiting for a day when other snow buddies will join him.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Weird things people do while driving
I've seen alot of weird things during rush hour. Things people do while driving. I'm not saying I've never done things that distract me from the road but ... some things you gotta accept ... multitasking has it's limits.
Picking your nose. It must be the dry weather here in Alberta... there's lots of nose pickers.
Plucking your eye brows. Can you say speed bump? Ouch.
Putting on make up.
Shaving your beard with a battery shaver.
Reading! Really!
Eating Chinese food with chop sticks! Now, that's co-ordinated.
Smacking a kid.
Trying to fold a map.
Okay ... that's all I can think of at the moment. I'm just surprised how many brave drivers we have out there to be on the road with the multitaskers. I think I'll stick to audio books though.