Monday, August 13, 2007

More pictures in my Future

Bethany's birthday party fell through... none of her friends could come on the date we picked. So instead we bought a Safeway cake and just made it open to the neighbours to come for cake. A blessing over her head, cake and drinks and a few friendly neighbours ... pooof ...a party. It was a nice day and we had a nice visit.
Her gift was a digital camera from mom and dad ... and Grandma.... so we expect to see more of her work on her blog. As she is our budding artist.
Grandma brought her new kitty to get socialized. Meet Jazzy (Jasmine). The poor thing doesn't get a free minute to herself around my kids.
Many new things will happen in the year ahead. So we need to celebrate each one for it's unique blessings. Happy 13th.

1 comment:

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Happy Birthday to Bethany! Cute kitty!