Monday, August 13, 2007

New Serepta Fair

Grandma Nickel and Daddy took the boys to the New Serepta Parade and Fair day. They had a great time. Both boys came home with an armload of candy and prizes.
Tracker pulls, fair contests, petting zoo, rides and games.
It was a simple but very fun day for them. We'll have to check surrounding town events more often.
I'm thinking we should enter some of the fair contests ... photography, sewing, jam making, etc. Why not? You don't have to be from the town and it'd be a good experience for the kids.
Animals are always a hit with our kids. Apparently the pig liked Greg. Micaiah liked the goats and Josiah likes everything.

1 comment:

Mary Lynn said...

What a perfect day! Looks like fun was had by all. It is great to be back from holidays and be back in touch with you. I love reading your blog - it encourages and blesses me!