Sunday, June 29, 2008

What's Normal?

This past week my sister, Joy, has been visiting while my parents are here. She doesn't see us very often but our visits are always pretty much the same ... cleaning and shopping.

Josiah asked me the other day "She's always happy, is she not normal?" Hmmm it's a sad comment that being continuously happy makes your sanity questionable. My sister has a form of autism and yes, she's a cheery yet insecure sort.. and yes, she's not entirely normal but hey, at least she's happy. I've decided maybe I need to be a little more like her ... looking for the bright side of life and being friendly and outgoing ... having a wonderful servant's heart. She is corageous and kind to the unlovely.

Me? I have days when I'm not even kind to the lovely. I complain about things that I really should be thankful for. Somedays ... I cry and am sad for no constructive reason. So maybe I should be a little less normal.

Thanks God, for a brave, sweet, not normal sister.

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