Friday, December 21, 2007

Bloggy blues

Tis the season to catch a bug.
We've all spent the last few weeks struggling with one thing or another. One sick kid or another and my blog sufferth.
My folks are headed our way to visit. My Mom is going to help Bethany do some sewing. I'm hoping we're all healthy and happy.
Out of town relatives will soon invade our city and we'll spend some time with them as well. It's going to be a busy couple of weeks for everyone... so do check in... don't give up on me. I will live to blog again'.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Cowboy UP!

Come on Cowpokes. I knowd it be winter but y'all are Canadians. Pull on your parkas (does anybody call them that?) and come visit the Nickels. They be ready for some outside fun. We shovelled off a skating rink on da dugout and have a small taboggan hill for excercise. Make yer selves known and come on out.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Restore and Rededicate

It's the last day of Channukah when I post this. It's been a very low key but nice year for remembering the rededication of the Temple and the festival of Lights. It's the first year my brother and his family came to celebrate with us. It's so nice to have other kids for our children to enjoy.
Because it was all kind of a learning experience for my brother's kids, we let them do the candle lighting,etc. It was really nice to get to see genuine reactions.
My boys love their Snyder cousins. Group hugs at the door, usually last some 10 mins or more. I'm shocked they don't hurt each other more often.
Of course gifts and such are exchanged. My MIL had us over for a nice dinner and gift giving time this week also. It was so nice to relax and not have to do all the prep work. She was very considerate and it was really a relaxing time.
The 8 days are closing as the sun sets... our family is mostly laid up with the cold but I have to admit ... I'm more into it now than I was a week ago.
Enjoy whatever you celebrate and may you be changed for having spent time with others doing so.

Catching up!

You wanted pictures of Micaiah's outfit? Well, heres one of the many he has. Like the glasses? He broke them at Tae-Kwan-Do a few weeks ago, even after we asked him to take them off! But he insisted ... now he wants us to buy him some more! But after we told him that he had to pay for them, he decided to just go as Clark Kent without the glasses.
We had Micaiah's 6th birthday a while ago, we had games and a HUGE cake. I had blue lips and tongue for about three days after that. Not one kind of lipstick would cover it up.


it works!
This is Bethany and for some reason I got it to work! I have no idea what I did, but I guess it worked!

Sorry computer problems... it won't let me post!!!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Check out the updated list.

As per Janet's objection to not being on the blessings list, the list has been updated.

Janet added to the list... check it out!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Super Speechless.

It's a thing that permiates much of my current life.
Micaiah dresses in a tie, dress shirt and glasses daily now ... he's Clark Kent.
He has a superman cape, and a symbol that goes on his chest. He used to wear these under his dress clothes but tucking the cape into his pants was a bit of an issue. He decided it made his bum look "fluffy" so he just wears the Clark outfit now. Dollarama we bought some +1 reading glasses and popped the lens' out so he could have the Clark glasses. His birthday, he asked for more ties! When he got TWO of the same lego set, he used the money from the second to buy a new dress shirt to MATCH his new tie.
I'm speechless! Life could be imitating alot worse so .. I'm going to let this one ride itself out and see where it goes.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

God's Image

So you know how it is, you're driving along minding your own business and your kids say something that seems to be from outer space.

I'm listening to my two boys have a conversation and thinking "when should I jump in here".
It goes like this.

"So there's only one God, right?"
" So who does He worship?"
"I think he worships Himself."
" HMMM, well I think we can't use His name in vain. I guess he doesn't do that either."
"Yeah, and He doesn't dishonor himself."
" I think God must have a very good self-image then."

Hmmm I d never thought about God's self image before. LOL.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Count your Blessings Every Day

I was watching Larry King Live the other night and he was interviewing a lady, famous enough to be on LKL but not so famous that I'd remember who she was. She'd written a book about the physical and psychological affects of gratitude on the outcome of people's health and lives. It was kind of interesting.
One of the exercises she recommended was that you keep a running list that you go over everyday and add to. A list of blessings in y our life. Anything! All situations, even bad ones, have some blessing there. Look for it.
People who do this tend to be able to come through crisis better, enjoy life more, have better health and are just more apt to deal with all of life better.
This is not really news. But it is a good reminder. My kids are working on their blessing lists today... I better get started on mine. You can check mine in the side bar as it grows and changes.

Just blogging the best to impress

So NO my boys don't read all the time.
They're not always creative, funny and studious.
Someone commented to me that many blogs make them depressed because everyone's life looks so organized and successful. I hope mine is pretty real but I'm not about to air all our dirty laundry either.
So know you're getting a little editing in my blog ..
Know they're not perfect little people... because I'm not a perfect mom.
I hope you find encouragement to look for your blessings every day ....
and try to stick it out through the rest.
Thanks for reading my blog and my blab.

Friday, November 9, 2007

the appearance ..

Hubby thought Micaiah looked so cute that he'd take a picture. My other son saw this and

decided to try to impress. He grabs his picture Bible and tried to look studious. If you look carefully, Micaiah is just reading a comic. It was kind of cute.

Snow buddies

I'm done with the grey skies, the cold wind and nothing to do outside...
My son has had it with the "winter" this year so far. "there's nothing to do"... he needs it to snow. Remember that small skiff of snow we had last weekend? Well here's his first snowman of the year. Mr. Doodles, his name. He managed to empty the year of every pinch of snow in order to get enough snow.

A few stolen tomatoes (that are still kicking around my garden), a carrot from the fridge and some clothes make the "one ball" snowman come alive.
Days and wind and warmth have passed. Now Mr. Doodles eyes and nose are laying on the grass. He's been striped of his clothes and he's lost some weight. Waiting for a day when other snow buddies will join him.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Weird things people do while driving

I've seen alot of weird things during rush hour. Things people do while driving. I'm not saying I've never done things that distract me from the road but ... some things you gotta accept ... multitasking has it's limits.

Picking your nose. It must be the dry weather here in Alberta... there's lots of nose pickers.

Plucking your eye brows. Can you say speed bump? Ouch.

Putting on make up.

Shaving your beard with a battery shaver.

Reading! Really!

Eating Chinese food with chop sticks! Now, that's co-ordinated.

Smacking a kid.

Trying to fold a map.

Okay ... that's all I can think of at the moment. I'm just surprised how many brave drivers we have out there to be on the road with the multitaskers. I think I'll stick to audio books though.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Misunderstood Quote

Josiah was regaling the stories of our neighbours Halloween decorations.
A pause.
"Trip or Treat? Who does that trip part?"

I guess I should be thankful for an innocent heart.

October's Quotable

Josiah awoke the other morning and repeated this quip throughout the day to explain his distress.

"I feel like I have a dust bunny in my throat".
" My throat is still dusty".

Actually, I've felt that before, just not had the vocabulary to describe it quite that way before.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


What a tricky web we weave....

My lovely, i ntelligent daughter is getting more training in web life ...
just by trying new things.
We have folders of photos off the web
You tube addiciton
virtual horses
and who knows what else...

Well, of course as her parent, I know everything but...
the web.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Away in BC

So for the long weekend (just catching up) we were off to BC for a whole bunch of relatives gathered to eat a turkey. The kids had a great time with the cousins (or whatever they are).
The boys had their first sauna ... they didn't stay there very long. The hotel we stayed at had a hot tub too and they tried that out.
YUP .. I turned 41! It kinda got lost in all the toher things so it was nice of Greg's mom and grandma to make me a cake (+5more for the huge group of people). When does the "wiser" thing start?
Josiah went golfing with his dad. It was his first time and part of the male bonding thing to go golfing with the relatives on Thanksgiving weekend. He is the youngest that has ever participated. Josiah couldn't have been prouder. His group came in third so he was thrilled to pick a prize and got a jack knife that has all the golf gadgets you need.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Living in a postcard

The pictures just didn't do it justice... BC was lovely for thanksgiving. Loads of color. Beautiful misty mountians.
Greg's grandma's property. Her house is in the midst of those trees, hidden. Every angle is another beautiful view of the surrounding mountains. It was a great weather most of the time and everything was crisp and beautiful.

A donation: Locks of Love

Here's her last photo with long hair .. all wet and ready to cut. Bethany decided to cut her hair and donate it to Locks of Love. They have a website that explains all you need to know to do this and .. that was it. We called the next day to make an appointment to get her locks shorn.
Snip, snip... this is where the nerves start to fray.
a donation of 12" .. so we're not metric around here.... all that's required is 10" but she was able to give more... that was a good feeling.
She still has plenty of healthy hair left...
it is a nice thing to do something good when all you needed was a trim... No more having to stand up to get your hair cut! Less time shampooing and drying it. If you don't like it shorter... it'll grow. I think it's very sweet.
Good job, honey.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

What does THAT mean?

What does "neck of the woods" mean, really?
Where does that saying come from.?
Some things we say in English have me totally baffled.
Like Bated Breath... Heavens Termergatroid....
maybe that's why people don't say it that often any more... hmmm.


Okay... it's a topic not everyone can relate to.. but ... farts are a huge topic around here. My boys are obsessed with body functions. What makes boys so fascinated by the breaking of wind? Boys of all ages (in my life anyway) can't get enough of this.

I had put my two boys to bed one night and heard them talking so I went up the stairs to yell at them .. when I over heard a conversation that would make any mother shake her head.

M is on his bed butt pointed up in the air. J is on his bed doing the same. They are aimed at each other like pirate ships at war.

M: "Toot Cannons! Fire one!"
J: "Fire in the hole!"
M: "Ready, Aim, Fire!"

With appropriate noises accompanying this display.
Really .. what's a mom to do? How do you stop a cannon?


Some days... I feel like I'm pretending to be something I'm not. Schooling has not been too successful this week. Daddy is on vacation and we're going away this weekend ... the house is upside down .. and well... I don't feel like I'm accomplishing much that I'm SUPPOSED to do.
I've spent more hours on hold trying to get our satalite to work, than I've spent teaching the kids. My boys are just running amuck and well, it's been one of those weeks.
Looking at the positive...
Daddy has been able to spend more time with the kids and I than he has in a long time. The kids don't seem to mind that lack of routine. I'm learning more about banking ... kinda. I get to spend more time in my sweats.
That's it... I'm out of positive perspective.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Sept Project Day

Well, I'd say the first Project Day was a success. Robyn even had a guessing game for us: Guess how many origami storks are on this hanging.
Tara brought Cinnamon buns she had learned to make. And she had an experiement for us to watch.
Carlissa did a wonderful power point presentation that makes me jealous. I really would like to learn to do power point. There were boards on Trucks, pets, therapy, disease, cultures, etc. Here's a picture of a few.

I think it went really well. There was learning, fun and time for all involved to just be together. I'm looking forward to this event each month.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Wisdom Picnic

We went to the Wisdom Picnic ... pretty good turn out.
I was surprised that I didn't know more people there. It was interesting to see that so many out of towners came and so many of the people I knew lived in Edmonton, didn't. So we saw alot of new faces. Still don't know my facilitator ... that's okay... we're not one of the new-to-home schooling families so ... we're just carrying on, they'll find us.
It was very nice weather, a really good day for the event. The kids try catching "fish" and snails in the pond. We saw one HUGH beaver and something smaller... not sure what. The leaves are so beautiful right now... truly fall-like.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

You'd never guess...

My Dad and I go for walks in the mornings when he's here. I've found wallets, purses, money, pop cans, all sorts of odds and ends. But never anything as big as I found today on our walk. There in the lake behind our house covered in muck and reeds ... was this bike.
I've never had to wade into the lake to retrieve my finds before either. You just never know what you'll find when you keep your eyes open. We're still having a discussion about what to do with it.

Snyder Grandparents visit

Yvonne's mom and dad .. visiting us for a week and enjoying the grandkids. We took time the other day to go for a nice walk down in the Ravine area. What a nice way to spend the afternoon.
There's a place where bird, squirrels and chipmunks come to feed. So we brought our seeds and enjoyed watching them.
Exercise, fresh air... what more can a mom ask for? We need to do nature walks more often before it gets any colder.

John Walter Museum

I'm a little behind but I forgot Ihad these photos.

My team ... the beauties of the out and about group.
We all managed to fit in the small house and look how well behaved everyone was. I am always impressed with the learning that goes on when homeschoolers get together. Way to go, guys.
My responsiblity was teaching the kids to make butter. It was fun.. whole lot of shaking goin' on!
They also made ice cream, carded wool, did pioneer chores, dipped candles and toured the various buildings. It was a really nice time, inspite of the cold. I think everyone had fun.

Food Issues

I'm having to face some food issues. I have been trying juicing... wow.. that's just not enough for me. What can I say ...? I have evaluating to do ... juice is not going to be my great break through, I'm guessing.

Monday, September 24, 2007


Check out the links to songs on my side bar...
my daughter is teaching how to jazz up my blog.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Bear Fruit

Planted by rivers of water .. fruit.

Fruit in it's season ... fruit!
Fruit so big you can't carry it alone ... fruit.
Fruit that feeds many ... fruit.
Let's bear fruit!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Pirate day???

Janet's blog says it's Pirate day... internationally! Hmmm
Okay I'll go with that.
I call this guy "Patch"
Feeling a little like hoisting the main sail myself today.
There were a few times I've had to swab the deck and get some of the mateys to walk the plank. If "X" marks the spot .. then there's some spots where you shouldn't put an "x"! It's been so cold today that I'd say I've even shivered me timbers. If the mast breaks .. we'll all end up in the water and there's only one way to board a ship.
That'd be all you can expect from a good captain on a day like today. If'n you disagree, you'll be walking the plank! Never disagree with the captain.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Spa... camp style

Have you ever just felt you needed a day at the spa? Couldn't wait to slide into a mud-wrap ... ? Well, I never have had a mud wrap.. never wanted one really... however that's how this all started. How could mud cost so much at the spa and it's MUD. There's just places mud shouldn't be.... Well, somehow Sherri & I were talking like this and .. egging each other on. I tried to stop it by telling her, she'd get worms in her feet but no... Spa Camp began. We had to see how nice cold, smooth mud would feel on our feet. It's supposed to be good for your skin. Well the skin on my feet could use something about then.
It was nice, really! Until some of the children started adding straw to it and wanting us to make BRICKS. I'm not sure what spiritual lesson I was supposed to learn from that. Maybe I've been home schooling too long, cuz I tried it. I'm thinking.. the Children of Isreal weren't thinking Spa day when they were out making bricks... and when you add the straw.. it's just not as good for your skin.