Friday, June 29, 2007

Baseball Vocabulary

Well, if I tell you all the vocabulary slip ups my boys do, you might think they don't know how to speak English. It really is their first language.

While the boys were out trying to play baseball (or something like it), Josiah decides he's going to assign jobs. "Micaiah you be the vampire!"

His sister corrected him at this point...
I'm not sure he knows what an Umpire does but I'm pretty sure he knew there were no vampires in baseball.


Middle-Aged Moi said...

Gotta love that. A vampire in baseball. Well, they do suck the money right out of your pockets when you want a hot dog at the baseball park.....:-)

Bethany said...


I love that Janet!

so funny

Kathy said...

I love it when the kids do those kid of older kids still do it.