Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Making Mama Proud

My singer is maturing. She's getting to be more comfortable on stage. Her voice is getting richer. She's got more range than she used to. Everyone tells us what a wonderful voice she has .. so it was nice to go to her recital on Monday. She was one of many vocal preformers.
But Bethany was the only person there who also preformed a piano piece. That was a bit of a surprise to her also, but she carried it off just fine.

My little girl is developing her talents as she grows into a lady. She loves working with Lindsey, her piano and vocal teacher. We're blessed to have such a lovely lady. She's flexible and gracious with our many whims. We have lots of fun with her. It has helped Bethany to learn to enjoy her teaching times even more.

We're excited to see her growing list of talents and interests. Isn't that what this stage of life is all about? Finding out what life has to offer and how you want to fit into all that.

We're very proud.


Kathy said...

I will have to hear that girl sing one of these days! Got any video???
You look beautiful Bethany.

JungleGirl said...

Next event .. I'll invite you.