Saturday, June 9, 2007

Brave the Elements, come to Park days... Castledowns.

Yes, you too can be tough enough to come out on a cold and windy day to have fun at the park with the great families that gathered at Castledowns for the Out and About Park day last Wednesday. It was scary at first, raining off and on. Pretty cold for the moms who don't exercise by running around. But soon we acclimatized to the Alberta conditions and everyone seemed to have fun.
(OH, I don't know why this one is sideways? )There seemed to be someone for almost everyone and it was easy to find ways to torture and entertain each other.
The older kids had to claim territory and alot space for the younger ones so they'd stay out of their way. As soon as that was worked out, no big problems.
The youngers got to play in the "pit" and really seemed to enjoy it. With the added bonus of the fact, that they needed help to get out. So less chance of escapees.
They loved rolling the tennis balls up the sides of the skateboard ramps and chasing them around the pit.
There were balloons, watermelon, cookies and blankets to share for the less adventurous ones. The fact that the water was turned on in the sprinkler park, proved interesting, as all the younger kids thought it would be great to get wet in their sweatshirts. I''m sure more than a few went home soggy. I know mine did.
It was a great way to spend the day. Building relationships is part of what we want to accomplish this summer. Thanks to all the families who are precious and have the quality of kids to build relationships with.


Bethany said...

whats with my face mom?

Kathy said...

Looks like a great day.

JungleGirl said...

I don't know Beth, you guys wouldn't give me a nice picture... all these crazy girls hiding from the camera or making crazy faces so.... reap what you sow... HAHA!!

Mary Lynn said...

It was a wonderful day - made more so by your delightful family!