Saturday, June 30, 2007

Micaiah needs to eat more.

Micaiah's ribs are showing. Micaiah's not much of an eater. We are lucky if he eats 2 tablespoons of each item on the table in a 2 hour period. Wise people, including Micaiah's Doctor say that when Micaiah is hungry, Micaiah will eat. Wise people are wrong. Wise Mama needs new plans to make Micaiah eat.


Middle-Aged Moi said...

Hmmm....just give him lots and lots and lots of CANDY. Bet he'll eat it. (I never said I was wise.,....)

Kathy said...

Wow, you have been on here alot Von, its hard to keep up with you! Smile!

Mary Lynn said...

I generally don't worry too much (I have skinny kids and a relaxed doctor too,) but when I really want them to eat, I use rewards. eg. You can't play outside (play computer, play _____) until you've eaten half a sandwich and a banana (or whatever is appropriate.) They usually choose to eat something.