Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Of love and of Horses

What's a mom to do? You know your daughter loves horses. She's read almost every book in the library about them (including the ones intended for vets). She's decorated her room with bridles and crops. Her time on the Internet is spent investigating horse name trees, etc. She's had no formal training but she's doing well with the few chances she has every year to ride.
But horses are her fascination. There's no way we can give her that. No land, no space, no money, no way.
I guess this falls into the "be content with what you have" category and tell her to look elsewhere for a focus in life. Or do I say ... don't give up and keep trying .. just know it won't be us who provide these opportunities?
She's a good kid. She doesn't waste her time complaining about it. I know she'll always wonder if she doesn't pursue it more though. What do other parents do in these situations?

1 comment:

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Well, when you find out the answer, please let me know, because my daughter is the exact same! Every book in the library indeed!