Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sometimes It's okay to Quit ~ especially while you're ahead.

Okay so sometimes you have to get something done. For us, we wanted to get some photos done before Father's day for a frame we're putting together of black and white photos. It's not going so well.
Saturday we rush around getting everyone ready. Open the door and a thunderstorm starts. That cancelled that plan.
Sunday afternoon, we tried again. Everyone gussied up and we get ready to leave. You'd never guess, Micaiah starts throwing up. Luckily he didn't get anyone's outfit .. so meanie that I am.. we made him go anyways. Dragged the poor soul through the ravine.
Mosquitoes were horrid~ monsters! So we trudged back to our pond and tried a few shots. Micaiah is not smiling in any of these photos. He's not given to smiling for photos but after puking, who can smile?
So ... photos were .. hmm??? Maybe we should have quit while we were ahead?

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Von, your blog looks amazing! I love it. Hmmm, you are making me look bad, I will have to get creative...just kidding!